Venture Philanthropy

Venture Philanthropy

Venture Philanthropy (VP) takes the concept from venture capital and invest in nonprofit organizations and encourages philanthropists to work for nonprofit causes. The philanthropists set up a nonprofit foundation or collaborate with not-for-profit organizations to support social causes and issues, and philanthropists do not expect from society in return for their social work.

It makes nonprofits stronger and more sustainable to achieve their goals. In 1969, John D. Rockefeller III invented the “Venture Philanthropy” word, by suggesting private foundations may cause risky and an adventurous approach to donate money to unpopular causes. 

How does venture philanthropy work? 

Investors work to make an impact on social causes by being highly committed to the long-term goal. Below are the 3 factors to consider to support an organization or foundation 

  1. Efficient Financing  
  2. Non-financial supports like taking leadership and motivating the team who works for the foundation 
  3. Measure the impact and manage the organization 

Who can be the venture philanthropy?  

The investors who invest for the social impact fit for the venture philanthropy profile. Here are some of the characteristics they should have 

  • They should be a problem-focused and solution-oriented person to face social challenges  
  • Should have high ethical standards 
  • Should provide extensive non-financial support  
  • Should maintain proper investment to the social needs and nonprofit organizations 
  • Work proactively to collaborate with others 
  • Should have leadership skills to lead and manage social impacts 

If you think you are one of that venture philanthropies and searching for nonprofit organizations to support their social causes. iConnectX -a fundraising platform that helps you to find the nonprofit organizations or charities you care about.

iConnectX is available on both the web and app to support nonprofits and professionals to make and receive donations. Visit the website or download and install the app to search for nonprofits to make direct online donation. Download now -  Online Donations App  (Android) or Fundraising App (iOS)! 

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